The good quality antique and new carpets are not only beautiful pieces of art but they
are also good investments for long run and even can be nice decoration of flats.
In case of antique carpets the rarity, physical condition and knowledge of the actual history of the carpet, etc. determine the market value.
Through the public channels of international trade you will never find the really valuable carpets as they get to new owners through other closed channels.
On the below mentioned most famous pages you hardly see prices exceeding USD 100.000, which is only a put-up price for really antique pieces.,,, is the only international carpet magazine, which is the bi-monthly "Bible" of the carpet fans.

Today the new silk carpets belong to the category expressly recommended for collection. As far as we can see it now, after 20-30 years nowhere and nobody will make any silk carpet. One of the most famous silk carpets all over the world is Hereke, made in Turkey. Since 30 years you cannot see any new, original Hereke in the market. All the Hereke carpets offered to American tourists in the Istanbul bazaar are only replicas made in China. There is no-one in Turkey who would devote years from his life to make a silk carpet. In Iran the prices have increased 30-40% during the recent two years, because out of the earlier 5.3 million carpet makers 1.5 million stopped carpet knotting. Probably Kashmir is the last acropolis of silk carpets where due to the uncertain political situation people have no other income than carpet making.

When defining the value of silk carpets, the following viewpoints are taken into consideration:
1. colours of the carpet
2. patterns of the carpet
3. quality of the material of the carpet
4. number of knots, which qualifies the carpet according to the international qualification table to be found in the following link:

For new collectors it is a very important advice that they should buy any carpet, especially silk carpet only after holding the carpet in their hands and qualifying its individual value on basis of the aforementioned list.

